
From The P Systems Webpage

P Systems Software

In this page you can find computer programs related to P systems, with the instructions to install the applications on your own computer. The requested operating systems and other minimal requirements are specified, too.
  • 2013. P-Lingua 4.0: a programming language for Membrane Computing, Research Group on Natural Computing, University of Seville, Spain
    • Visit the official website in order to get the associated tools of
      PLinguaCore: a generic simulation framework for Membrane Computing

  • 2012. PMCGPU: Parallel simulators for Membrane Computing on the GPU, initiated by Research Group on Natural Computing, University of Seville, Spain
  • 2011. MeCoSim: Membrame Computing Simulator, Research Group on Natural Computing, University of Seville, Spain
  • 2010. Infobiotics Workbench, University of Nottingham (UK) and University of Seville (Spain)
    • A computational framework implementing a synergy between executable biology, multi-compartmental stochastic simulations, formal model analysis and structural/parameter model optimisation for computational systems and synthetic biology.
    • Visit the official website:

  • March 2009. MetaPlab: a virtual laboratory for modeling biological systems by MP systems. University of Verona, Italy.
  • April 2007: Spiking Neural P Systems Simulator, by M.A. Gutierrez Naranjo and D. Ramirez Martinez, University of Sevilla, Spain
  • November 2006: Simulators for biological processes available at the
    University of Sheffield, UK

    A framework that accepts P system specifications and creates simulations for them is available at
    as well as some examples, like apoptosis, lac operon, quorum sensing etc.
    The full text of the systems specified and simulation results are also available. The framework may be downloaded from the address above. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact either
    Fran Romero-Campero at or Marian Gheorghe at

  • August 2006: simulators for conformon P systems, by Pierluigi Frisco
  • July 2006: Cyto-Sim: Biological compartment simulator.
    A biological processes simulator designed at the Microsoft Research - University of Trento Centre for Computational and Systems Biology, Trento, Italy.

  • March 2006: Two simulators - Vibrio Fischeri and Dynamical Probabilistic P systems
    Authors: P. Cazzaniga, D. Pescini, Universita' di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy

  • September 2005: Simulation Software for Membrane Approximation Algorithm
    Author: T. Nishida, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan

    Download it at:

  • November 2004: PSim
    Author: Group for Models of Natural Computing (MNC), University of Verona, Italy (

    PSim is a Java Simulator for P Systems based on the "Metabolic Algorithm".
    Click here to download the application (35 KB - zip format)

    Click here to view the paper "Introduction to psim"

  • October 2004: SimCM
    Author: M. Isabel Nepomuceno Chamorro, Natural Computing Group, University of Sevilla, Spain

    SimCM is a Java Simulator for Transition P Systems. The simulator can be found at the web address of the Natural Computing Group, University of Sevilla:

  • September 2003: SubLP-Studio v0.1
    Author: Alexandros Georgiou
    , University of Sheffield, UK

    SubLP-Studio is a software simulator for the Sub LP-Systems model, a variant of L-Systems and P-Systems. It optionally interfaces to cpfg, thus producing plant graphics using the turtle interpreter.

    Click here to download the application & instruction (300 KB - zip format) To install the application: unzip the file, change directory to sublpstudio and then follow the instruction in file README.TXTMinimal requirements:
    1. Processor: Pentium II - 350 Mhz
    2. RAM Memory: 64 MB
    3. If graphical rendering is to be used, then the requirements for cpfg also apply here. A demo version of L-Studio/cpfg is available at and it should work fine with this software. The authors of L-Studio state that the requirements are:
      • A PC running Windows 95/98/Me or Windows NT v. 4.0/2000
      • OpenGL which is supplied with anything but the earliest versions of windows.

To contact authors for comments or suggestions
    1. Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Me
    2. Processor: Pentium II - 350 Mhz
    3. RAM Memory: 64 MB
    4. Video Card with DirectX support: Required Microsoft DirectX 6 or higher.
To contact authors for comments or suggestions:
  • January 2002: Transition P Systems Simulator.
    Author: Angel Baranda,
    Natural Computing Group of Madrid (Spain). '

    Click here to download the application & instruction (1.3MB - zip format)To install the application: unzip the file and then follow the instruction in file README.DOC Minimal requirements:
    1. You must have installed the Hug98 interpreter. There are versions for windows, Linux, Unix, etc operating system in the web. The software includes the Hugs98 for Microsoft Systems.
    2. Processor: Pentium II - 350 Mhz
    3. RAM Memory: 64 MB
To contact authors for comments or suggestions: